How To Write A Dissertation Conclusion

A dissertation conclusion is the final section of a dissertation that summarizes the findings and recommendations of the research, and provides a rationale for the recommendations made. In order to write a strong conclusion, you should

– restate the problem and the purpose of the study
– summarize the main findings of the research
– provide a rationale for the recommendations made
– conclude with a statement about the significance of the findings

Here is a sample conclusion for a dissertation on the effectiveness of a new drug treatment for opioid addiction:

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a new drug treatment for opioid addiction. The results of the study showed that the new drug treatment was highly effective in reducing opioid addiction symptoms. The findings of this study have important implications for the treatment of opioid addiction.

How many words should the conclusion be in a dissertation?

There is no one answer to how many words the conclusion should be in a dissertation. However, it is typically recommended that the conclusion be around 200 words. The conclusion is your opportunity to summarize your findings and to leave readers with a final thought. It is important to be concise and to make your main points clear.

How long should a conclusion be on a 10000 word dissertation?

A dissertation is a long and detailed piece of writing, and it is important to ensure that your conclusion is just as lengthy and detailed as the rest of your work. Your conclusion should be around 500 words, which is about 5% of the total word count.

In your conclusion, you should recap the main points of your argument, and remind the reader of your thesis statement. You should also provide a brief discussion of what you have learned from writing your dissertation.

If you have conducted any research as part of your dissertation, you should also summarize your findings in the conclusion. Be sure to discuss the implications of your findings, and how they can be applied to the real world.

Your conclusion should also include a brief discussion of the limitations of your research, and how future research could build on your findings. Finally, you should provide a brief overview of the structure of your dissertation.

Overall, your conclusion should be a strong and convincing argument that demonstrates the importance of your research. It should leave the reader with a clear understanding of your thesis, and the significance of your findings.

What are the 3 steps to writing your conclusion?

The conclusion of an essay is the final paragraph. It is the last chance the author has to make an impression on the reader. A good conclusion will:

1. Recap the main points of the essay

2. Offer a new perspective on the topic

3. Leave the reader with something to think about

To write a good conclusion, you need to:

1. Restate the thesis

2. Summarize the main points

3. Offer a new perspective

4. Leave the reader with something to think about

How many pages should a dissertation conclusion be?

A dissertation conclusion should be around 10 pages, but it can be shorter or longer depending on the topic and the professor’s instructions. The conclusion should sum up the main points of the dissertation, highlight the most important findings, and suggest possible future research.

It should also be well written and concise.

Chapter conclusion example

A chapter conclusion is a short recap of the main points in a chapter of a book. It is a way to remind the reader of what has been covered and what is yet to come. A good chapter conclusion will be succinct and to the point.

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing a chapter conclusion. First, make sure that it is relevant to the chapter. The conclusion should not introduce new information, but rather recap what has been covered. Second, be sure to stay on topic. The conclusion should not wander off topic or become sidetracked. Third, keep it brief. A chapter conclusion should not be more than a few sentences long.

When writing a chapter conclusion, it is important to be clear and concise. The main points should be summarized in a way that is easy for the reader to understand. The conclusion should not be overwhelming, but should provide a brief overview of the chapter.


  • holliedavidson

    Hollie Davidson is a 34-year-old educational blogger and student. She has a passion for writing, and loves to share her knowledge and insights with her readers. Hollie is also an advocate for effective learning, and is committed to helping others achieve their goals.